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In Fiji, the world-class epithermal low-sulphidation (alkaline) deposit of Vatukoula Gold Mine (former Emperor Gold Mine) has produced in excess of 7 million ounces of gold over 75 years of production. The Tuvatu gold mine ( 650,000 oz Au) operated by Lion One Metals is also currently in production.
Fiji is a considered a proactive mining country with supportive legislation and a long history of mining, gold being a significant export for Fiji.
Alice Queen currently holds one exploration license in Fiji being the highly prospective Sabeto project. Two other project licenses are currently under renewal being Viani, a highly prospective epithermal gold project, and Nabila.

The Sabeto project (SPL1518) is located on the island of Viti Levu, 6km to the east of Lion One Metals (ASX:LLO) Tuvatu Gold mine and 35km southeast of the Vatukoula Gold mine. Sabeto is easily accessible by sealed and gravel roads and is only 30 minutes from Nadi International Airport.
Recent field observations by Alice Queen and a review of the Sabeto database has identified the presence of a diatreme breccia outcropping and in drilling at Sabeto. The full extent of the diatreme vent breccia is not known. The diatreme breccia comprises polymict angular clasts and is matrix supported. In both surface outcrops and in drilling the diatreme vent breccia is anomalous in copper and gold. Also noted in drill core are highly evolved felsic intrusive which hosts low level copper and gold mineralisation. It is interpreted that these observations are indicating potential for copper gold mineralisation at depth. The conceptual target envisaged at Sabeto is an alkaline ‘subvolcanic breccia hosted gold/copper ore body’ of some 80-100 Million tonnes in a pipe like geometry (i.e. 250-350m in diameter).

The Viani Project located on Vanua Levu, Fiji’s second largest island. Previous exploration at the Dakuniba prospect indicates Viani has the potential to host a high-grade vein style epithermal gold system.
Previous surface exploration has outlined a 3km long , Gold – Silver – Arsenic – Antimony – Lead – Zinc – Barium anomaly that correlates with low sulphidation epithermal quartz veining. Shallow drilling by JICCA intersected up to 27.6 g/t Au in epithermal quartz veining at less than 100m below surface. This mineralisation is open at depth.
The tenement is currently in the final stage of renewal with the Mineral Resources Department of Fiji. Once the tenement is renewed Alice Queen is planning an aggressive program of surface geochemical sampling followed by drilling on this highly prospective gold project.

The Nabila project is located 30 km to the south of Nadi. The style of mineralisation is structurally hosted, intrusive related, gold base metal mineralisation, most likely associated with proximal cal alkaline intrusive monzonite. The gold mineralisation occurs within an arcuate north east trending structural zone of some 2.3km long, from the historic Mistry mine in the south to the Faddy deposit in the north. The mineralisation occurs in pyritic shears and hydrothermal breccias.
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